





  • 付出對於時間的承諾



  • 照顧自己:劈柴、煮飯、生火,適應環境
  • 照顧植物:觀察、認識、除草、種植、覆蓋
  • 照顧他人:幫助新人、協助分工
  • 每週一篇心得,紀錄所見所聞所學所感



  • 發現問題、解決問題
  • 參與課程活動安排、進行
  • 安排工作
  • 學會做麵包、天然酵母、農場加工品




  • 蓋自己住的自然建築
  • 自己種米、產出的能力
  • 農場加工品(完整節氣循環加工)
  • 完成PDC課程資歷+教學經驗
  • 專案執行經歷
  • 社群關係的整合、溝通
  • 協調台灣樸門發展協會相關事務



  • 專案計畫負責與執行
  • 培訓他人

換工須知 Working Holiday Information



1.    照顧自己:熟悉環境、了解如何解決自己的基本需求。
2.    照顧他人:用照顧自己的方式照顧別人的需求,特別是農場的工作都需要分工合作,每個人都必須找到發揮己力的方式。
3.    解決問題:主動提問,你會學習到更多東西。但提問前請先自行思考與觀察,或是提出解決方案,我們會有更棒的互動!所有的問題都是正面資源,也是答案。
4.    回饋分享:將你自己的經驗或心得留下,我們將會分享給下一位換工或是有興趣了解野蔓園生活的人,以及想一想在離園之前,如何可以讓野蔓園更好,並動手實踐它。


1.    時時觀察:請從觀察自然與周遭環境裡的人、事、物。
2.    澆水:每日必做的基礎功,練習專注與觀察力,同時可以認識多種香草與藥用植物,與植物作朋友。
3.    農耕事務:


4.    每餐收集食材:每天認識一種野生的可食植物

5.    吃一種三:吃一顆菜,請種回三顆來分享,一顆歸還野蔓園,一顆歸還大地(如蟲也需要吃),一顆回饋給下一位。現在你所享受的食物,也是前人努力所留下的,同樣請愛惜物資和心懷感激,尊重環境與傳愛他人。

6.    撿柴、劈柴:槓桿原理的最佳練習,可認識不同材質的木柴,提升肌耐力。絕對不要空手回到生活區。
7.    烹煮:學習料理自己的三餐(蔬食),或輪流為他人準備伙食;更可以發揮料理創意,「沒有廚藝沒關係,但要有誠意」。
8.    不定期任務:工作坊課程備課、文字或影像記錄、網站管理、新換工接待、手作季節性農產品、窯烤麵包、環境整理…


1.    可遮風避雨、沒有門的小木屋、堆肥式廁所、大通鋪、露天淋浴間(需燒熱水洗澡)等。
2.    野蔓園使用火箭爐、土灶與麵包窯來製作三餐(視人數與需求而定),換工須自理或與其他換工一起打理三餐,農場所生產的食材皆可使用。
3.    園主並未居住於園內,欲留宿者,需有獨自一人住宿的心理準備。


1.    睡袋、寢具、蚊帳
2.    輕便工作服:長褲長袖較佳
3.    防曬衣帽
4.    工作鞋:這裡有前人留下的共用雨鞋
5.    山區易下雨,務必攜帶非一次性的雨衣
6.    盥洗用具等個人用品(不含化學成分)
7.    蚊蟲藥膏與私人藥品:山區夏天蚊子多,又相當活潑,請學著和蚊子溝通,適應與蚊子的相處方式
8.    手電筒
9.    垃圾不落地:請勿攜帶會污染環境、不能自然分解的物品、寶特瓶等,若不得不攜帶,也請於離開時自行帶離走。


1.    換工天數至少14天:第一天到園日,請安排週間早上十一點前抵達;工作時間開始為9:00,每日6~8個小時,我們也歡迎長期性的換工。

2.    志工:若有意願體驗,但無法一次長期換工者,可選擇週一至週五的固定一天,擔任長期固定志工 (持續3個月以上)。

3.    台灣樸門永續發展協會志工:或是願意協助建造都市樸門基地與運作,歡迎以您的專長,如木工、縫紉、設計、翻譯等等,共同推廣台灣樸門。

4.    申請換工達21日者,前14天為適應及學習野蔓園生活無休假,自第15天起,每6天休息一天,須先告知亞曼與實習生。(申請21天內換工者則無休假)

5.    課程參與:換工期間的課程活動,以農場例行工作為主,若有參與需求,一天換工折抵300元的課程活動費用。

6.    推廣與分享:離園時,請繳交換工心得一篇。




Yamana Garden is a permacultural farm providing courses and self-depending skills training. Nowadays, fast and convenient modern life style has caused some “inconvenience” in natural environment. Our human societies are also facing the loss of many precious living skills and the wisdom to coexist with our mother nature. Based on this view, life in Yamana Garden is designed as “not so well-prepared, and not so comfortable”. Participants and volunteers here have to learn taking care of themselves in every aspect of life.

4 steps of self-learning in Yamana Garden

1.    Take care of yourself, and to be familiar with Yamana Garden.

2.    Take care of others.  Just like the way you take care of yourself. Chore-sharing and team-work. Finding what you can do to facilitate team work.

3.    Problem solving. Ask more, learn more. Before you ask, please try to think, observe, or even make an initial proposal, it would greatly facilitate every discussion and interaction. Problem itself could be the answer and positive resources.

4.    Feedback sharing. Share your experience with newcomers and everyone who wants to know about Yamana Garden. Before you leave, please try to think about how to make Yamana Garden better, and make it happen!

Works in Yamana Garden

1.    Observe everything anytime.

Natural environment, surrounding area, plants, your fellow participants….etc.

2.    Watering

Fundamental routine job. Improve your concentration and observation skills.

Recognize herbs plants in our farm, and make friends with them.

3.    Farming

Light: prune, propagate, firewood collecting.

Medium: mowing, planting, firewood chopping.

Heavy: Natural building, irrigation canals

4.    Collect food for daily meals.

And to identify an eatable wild plant a day.

5.    Eat one, plant three.

One is for Yamana Garden, another is for nature (if insect or worm love it), and the other is for sharing. Food you collect on this farm might be other participants’ effort, so please be grateful, respectful, and cherish everything here.

6.    Collect and chop firewood.

Time for lever principle! Good exercise, and could strengthen your body.

Recognize different kinds of firewood.

“Never come back (to living area) with bare hands.”

7.    Cooking

We only supply vegetarian food here.

Cook together for yourself and others. Use your creativity.

You don’t need to worry about your culinary skills, sincerity is more we care.

8.    Other tasks. (irregular)

Participate in workshop, help prepare things needed in class.

Record images & written words.

Update our website.

Welcome newcomers, seasonal handmade produce, baking (by using cob oven) and cleaning.

Application Requirements

1.    The minimum duration of stay is two weeks.

Please come on weekday and arrive before 11 a.m.About 6~8 hours work time per day.

Stay longer than half of a year or a whole year are more welcome.

2.    One day volunteering (Long-term)

For those who are willing to join us but couldn’t stay long, could choose a fixed weekday (from Monday to Friday) and become our long-term volunteer.

3.    Volunteering in Taiwan Permaculture Institute.

Or willing to help developing and operating urban permaculture site.

Applicants with specialist fields of expertise (ex. carpentry, tailoring, design, translation) are welcome.

4.    Rest day.

Apply for a total of 21 days, the first 14 days to adapt and learn wild man park life without leave, since the 15th day, every 6 days off a day, must inform Yarman and interns.
(2017 New revision)

5.    Sharing.

Please share your feedback (in written form) with us before you leave.

Facilities in Yamana Garden

1.    Log cabin. Composting toilet. Sleeping quarter. Outdoor shower (have to heat water by yourself)

2.    Rocket stove. Cob oven. Mud stove (Different stoves are used depends on the number of people or purposes) You can use all of food material in the farm.

3.    Mr. Yamana (owner) doesn’t live in the farm. If you would like to live here, please be prepare that you might have chance to stay along.

Bring your own…….

1.    Sleeping bag, bedding, mosquito net.

2.    Work clothes.

Convenient for farm work, long-sleeve t-shirts and trousers are recommended.

3.    Sun hats, sun protective clothing.

4.    Work boots or rain boots.

5.    Raincoat (not one-time-use raincoat)

6.    ECO-FRIENDLY cosmectics, soap, shampoo…etc.

7.    Anti-itch cream (for mosquito bites)

8.   Personal medicine.

9.    Flashlight.

10.    Keep trash off the ground.

11.   A few pieces of work clothes that can be soiled


Please do not bright PET bottles or things can’t naturally decompose or pollute the environment. If you have to, please carry them out when you leave.


If you are comfortable with all the requirement above, please filling in on-line application form.


Before you come, please e-mail us again three day in advance to confirm your arriving date and duration of stay. It will also be helpful for us to arrange everything for your coming.

There might be some inconvenient living in Yamana Garden, please be open-minded and enjoy those not-so-modern life style.

Come and have fun!